In addition to the annual RuJohn Foundation sports camp, we continuously donate items and support various programs throughout Jamaica. This includes, but is not limited to, starting computer laboratories, donating books for a library, starting a school lunch program, and giving scholarships. Below, you may find a more detailed list of our donations.
2011 saw our growth in financial giving. In addition to a $50,000 contribution to the Kingston Athletic Program, we were able to increase our giving to more individuals and schools.
Financial Support
Kingston College – Athletic Program
Ruseas – Continued support of after school program
7 Academic scholarships and laptops with recipients from the following Schools
Herbert Morrison
Jamaica College
School Supply Donations: Schools Benefited
Jamaica College
Copper Basic School
Alpha Boys Home
Appleton Basic School
Mt. Nebo Primary School
Jamaica College
Kingston College
Whitfield Town All Age School
Rhodes Hall High School
Grange Hill High School
Items Received
School Supplies
Lap tops
Printers/Fax Machines/Scanners
Football Cleats
Children Toys
In the United States
Shopping Spree for 25 students at Hunt Elementary
Sponsor Garden Club at Hunt Elementary
Due to the Tivoli incursion and a Travel Advisory alert by the United States Government we were unable to travel to Jamaica to put on our much-anticipated celebrity camp.
Thanks to a $50,000 donation, we were able to renovate our Sports Pavillion.
In the United States
100 Turkey Giveaway to Needy Families in Ft. Lauderdale
Shopping Spree for 25 Students at Hunt Elementary
In addition to the annual RuJohn Foundation sports camp, we continuously donate items and support various programs throughout Jamaica. This includes, but is not limited to, starting computer laboratories, donating books for a library, starting a school lunch program, and giving scholarships. Below, is a list of our 2009 donations. 2009 Celebrity Sports Camp proved to be similar to over previous years as our camp consisted of prominent NBA and NFL Players.
Foundations Represented
Rudi Johnson Foundation
Farrior 51 Foundation
TJ Helping Hands Foundation
Andray Blatche Foundation
Delonte West Foundation
Shaun Smith "91" Ways Foundation
Financial support
Kingston College - Athletic Program
Ruseas - After School Program
3 Academic Scholarships
School Supply Donation
Barrett Town
Copper Basic School
Mt. Nebo
Herbert Morrison
Whitfield Town
Kingston College
T-Shirts & Blankets
Bibles and Children Story Books
School Supplies
7 In-Ground Basketball Systems
50 Basketballs
125 American Footballs
School Supplies
Pens, pencils, and markers
In the United States
77 bicycles and helmets donated:
Parkside Elementary
Hunt Elementary
Coral Springs Charter
75 Turkey giveaway to families of:
Parkside Elementary
Hunt Elementary
Coral Springs Charter
In 2008 the camp continues to grow as additional NFL and NBA players participated. The following players participated in the 2008 camp, Delonte West, of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Andray Blatche of the Washington Wizards, and Rashad McCants of the Minnesota Timber wolves. The NFL players include Rudi Johnson, Eric Henderson and T.J. Houshmandzadeh of the Cincinnati Bengals, James Farrior of the Pittsburg Steelers, Laurence Maroney of the New England Patriots, George Foster of the Detroit Lions and Shaun Smith of the Cleveland Brown. Dr. Paulette Walker once again conducted various cheerleading camps across the island.
Other Accomplishments
Financial Support For Lunch Program
Bibles and Children Story Books
Commercial Stove and Microwave for Lunch Program at Primary School
School Supplies
Pens, pencils, and markers
Hygiene Kit
Football Cleats, Shoulder Pads, and Helmets
In 2007 the RuJohn Foundation returned to Jamaica and increased its participation in the community, by not only touching the lives of youth but included the elderly. A visit was made to Benbow, St Catherine to assist the elderly. The mission was to assist the elderly and youths in personal hygiene care. Care packages were distributed by the Mothers of Delonte West, Rudi Johnson, and Laurence Maroney. The Director of the Cheerleaders from Virginia State University, Dr. Paulette Walker was on hand to give helpful tips to the female participants.
Other Accomplishments
Financial Support For Lunch Program
Hygiene Kits for Seniors and Children
Computer Desks
School Supplies
Pens, pencils, and markers
In 2006, the RuJohn Foundation conducted its annual celebrity sports camp, promoting education through athletic contests. The camp included NBA players Delonte West, of the Boston Celtics and Danny Granger of the Indiana Pacers. Also joining us were Autry Denson from the Chicago Bears and Tim McGee from the Cincinnati Bengals.
Other Accomplishments
Financial support for the lunch program
Scholarship to High School Student
School Supplies
Pens, pencils, and markers
Computers and printers
In-Ground Basketball Systems
Fans to six local Schools
In 2005 our guest list included NFL players such as Rudi Johnson of the Cincinnati Bengals, Kalimba Edwards and Shaun Rogers of the Detroit Lions, Casey Hampton of the Pittsburg Steelers and Kendall Newsome of the Miami Dolphins. The NBA players who participated in 2005 were Delonte West of Boston Celtics and John Salmons of Sacramento Kings.
Other Accomplishments
Financial support for the lunch program
Mt. Ward
Mt. Nebo
Primary School
Whitfield Town All Age School
1000 School Books
Mt. Peto
Mt. Ward
Mt. Nebo
Herbert Morrison
Whitfield Town
Granville All Age
40 Computers
Bibles and Children Story Books
School Supplies
Hurricane Supplies
250 Gallons Of Water
Boxes Canned goods and non-perishable food
Boxes of clothing
During Hurricane Ivan, the following was shipped to Jamaica:
250 Gallons Of Water
March 2005 Book/Computer Donation
500 Tarpaulins
5 boxes of Canned goods and non-perishable food
2 boxes of clothing